Sunday 26 March 2023

What Temperature to Set Air Conditioner in Summer?

It is normal to turn on the air conditioner to make your home cool and comfortable in summer. Alongside the increasing temperatures, you’ll also have to deal with the high electricity bills as you would use your air conditioner more frequently. 

Although air conditioners provide the most efficient method of maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature, their effectiveness depends on several factors. It is essential to know what temperature to set air conditioner in Summer to ensure that an AC operates at optimal efficiency and reduces your energy bill.

What’s The Best Temperature to Set The AC in Summer?

To stay comfortable at home this summer, the U.S. Department of Energy suggests that you set your thermostat to 26C. In other words, if you have an AC with a thermostat at your home, set it to 26C. Even keeping the temperature 1 degree lower could improve the efficiency of your AC by about 8 percent.

Although there are several variances from location to location and many other factors that affect how efficient your AC will be this summer, a general rule would be that you should keep your AC between 25 degrees Celsius and 28 degrees Celsius in the summer months.

How to Maximize Cooling Efforts in Your Home?

Apart from knowing what temperature to set the air conditioner in summer, you can also maximize the cooling efforts at home by observing a few essential tips.

  • Consider using blinds and shutting your curtains if you reside in sunny regions of the world.
  • If you work with computers or other electronic appliances for long hours, ensure that you place them some distance away from the AC vent as they increase the temperature in a room.
  • Remember to clean the air ducts or replace filters once every month, as it ensures that your air conditioner operates at optimal efficiency by circulating all-new air.
  • The best time to use your AC is between 10 am and 4 pm, as this is when the core temperature is at its peak.
  • Install thermostats that have a programmable mode so that you can control the AC accordingly. For example, if it is winter, consider programming your AC to start four hours before coming home from work and switch off two hours after reaching home.
  • Although you can use AC throughout the day, ensure that you know how much power it is consuming. If you are not at home, shut down your AC.

What’s the Best Temperature to Guarantee Humidity Control?

Humidity control is another essential component of ensuring a comfortable work and living environment. As humidity levels in your home increase, the air becomes dense with water vapours. These vapours make it difficult for humans to breathe easily and cause several other condensations on walls.

Therefore, it becomes critical for you to consider what temperature to set air conditioner in summer and what temperature to set dehumidifier in summer. The recommended indoor humidity level is between 30% to 50%. Setting the air conditioner at a high temperature (at least 26C) and the dehumidifier at a slightly lower level (around 20C) is always better.

This way, you stay comfortable throughout the day and ensure that humidity levels are under control. You can measure humidity levels using an electronic hygrometer.

How to Save Energy While Enjoying Your AC This Summer?


Although an AC is a great device to beat the heat and enjoy your home this summer, it is also crucial to consider your electricity bill. Although you should set your AC at 26C, do not increase temperatures too much as it might unnecessarily increase the energy bills.

The following are some of the tips on how you can save energy while enjoying your AC this summer.

Avoid on/off cycles

Ensure that you are not setting an AC at very high temperatures and then switching it off for some time. Although the temperature inside your room might be higher than outside, you will still need to switch on the AC again when humidity levels rise rapidly. Therefore, instead of turning the AC on/off, set it at a permanent temperature.

Install programmable thermostats

If you don’t have programmable thermostats installed in your home already, consider installing them this summer. They will help you figure out when to switch on your AC and when not to use it so that you can save maximum energy and enjoy your AC this summer.

Use blinds and curtains

Although you might not notice it, the sunlight shining in your room heats everything inside, including walls, furniture, etc. Although blinds and curtains aren’t aesthetically pleasing, they can be beneficial in preventing your AC from working extra hard to lower the temperature of a room that’s full of natural light.

Set the thermostat at 26C

If you don’t have a programmable thermostat, ensure that you set the temperature of your AC to 26C and avoid increasing it much more than that as it might cause problems such as dampness in walls and other issues related to humidity levels.

Turn off the AC if you leave

If you are leaving your home for a vacation or work, turn off the AC and ensure that it remains shut as well. It will save energy and allow your AC to cool down before switching it back on when coming back from work/vacation.

Install outdoor covers on your AC

Although most people might not be aware of this fact, installing outdoor covers on your AC is advisable. It will ensure that the outdoor unit gets cooled down and prevented from overheating and also allow you to use your AC more efficiently.

Plan ahead

Instead of switching on your AC as soon as you reach home, it’s better to plan and set the temperature on your thermostat in advance. For example, if you are likely to get home by 5 pm, set the AC four hours before reaching home so that it cools your room quickly.

Switch your AC on when you are in a room

If possible, switch on your AC only when you are in the room to not cool empty rooms and lower humidity levels unnecessarily. You can increase humidity levels quickly by placing a pan of water on the floor and opening doors to other rooms.

What Temperature to Set Air Conditioner in Summer - Conclusion

It is essential to stay relaxed and comfortable throughout the summer months. You can achieve this by setting up your AC properly according to temperature levels throughout the day. It would be best if you also attempted to keep humidity levels under control as well. The tips mentioned above will surely help you achieve this goal without spending too much on electricity bills.

How Long Do AC Units Last?

Whether you plan to buy a new AC unit or think about maintaining your current AC, you may come across one question, “how long do AC units last?” It may be devastating to know that your comfort companion won’t last a lifetime.

An Air conditioner is a machine with multiple components and parts working together at the same time. It has a compressor, condenser coils, evaporator coil, refrigerant, motor, fans, etc. Each of these components requires proper care to function properly.

Those well-maintained AC units usually last 10 to 15 years. However, the home air conditioner’s lifespan varies based on several factors. Now, let’s deep dive into each aspect to learn more about how long AC units last!

What Affects the Lifespan of Your Air Conditioner?

When it comes to determining the lifespan of AC units, several factors will affect it. Let’s identify these factors below:

AC System Age - AC Systems have different average ages when they reach their half-life. For instance, a central AC system lasts 15 years, while window models stay around ten years.

Maintenance - The more you maintain your AC, the longer it will last. It is best to perform routine preventive maintenance at least once per year to ensure proper operation of the unit.

Usage - If you use your AC unit most of the time, you may reduce its lifespan by approximately 15% compared to being used sparingly.

Weather Conditions - The heat and humidity can harm an AC unit’s lifespan. Therefore, the more you use your air conditioner to battle against extreme climates, the sooner it will break down. It is especially true for areas that experience harsh weather conditions all year long.

Location/Climate - If you live in a mild climate and moderately use your AC most of the time, then chances are higher that it will last longer. A hot and humid location with abusive climate conditions such as hurricanes, tornadoes or forest fires with smoke damage may decrease the lifespan of your system.

Manufacturers/Models - When we talk about how long AC units last, manufacturers and models also play a significant role. Those AC units built with high-quality parts and materials may last longer than those with as many internal components to support durability. In general, the more expensive brands tend to last longer as compared to cheaper brands as well.

Size - AC units that are too big or too small will not function as efficiently compared to those with their temperature in a balanced range (not too cold and not too hot). It would be best to purchase an AC unit with the correct size based on the space it needs to cool down or heat up.

How to Extend Air Conditioner Lifespan?


There are many things you can do to help your air conditioner lasts long. However, it needs proper steps and techniques for a much better result! Here is a list of 7 tips that will help you increase your home air conditioner’s lifespan:

Clean it regularly

Dirty evaporator coils reduce airflow efficiency by up to 30%. Ensure both indoor and outdoor coils are clean for maximum performance.

Change air filters monthly

It would help if you changed filters monthly at least once a month to prevent dirt from accumulating inside the system as a routine practice. A clogged filter will reduce airflow, which means it will take longer for AC to cool the indoor environment even though you have set the desired temperature so high!

Standard air filters reduce airflow by up to 30%, whereas specially designed high-performance filters are available in the market, which reduces airflow by only 5%.

Cover outdoor units

If you have an outdoor unit, place a cover on it or provide shade covering during the summer months so that you won’t excessively expose your AC to heat and humidity outside. Also, outdoor units do not benefit from rainwater and wind blowing over them since they need stable temperatures for proper operation and deck drainage systems. 

Turn off the thermostat when not in use

Your thermostat is programmed to turn your AC off when it reaches a certain temperature set point, but you should turn off the thermostat when it is not in use. Also, adjust the temperature setting on your thermostat to ensure maximum energy efficiency.

Clean condenser coils

The build-up of dirt and dust on your unit’s outdoor coils reduces its ability to cool your home space properly. Clean or replace the evaporator coil annually for best results.

Perform regular maintenance

Performing regular maintenance on your AC will help it last longer. Clean or replace air filters, check refrigerant charge levels and perform all other recommended tasks as per manufacturer guidelines for optimum performance. In addition, avoid placing objects on top of the unit outside unless these are items that cover it from rainwater!

When is The Best Time to Replace Your AC Unit?

You can’t expect your AC unit to last forever, and there comes the point in time when it will start showing signs of wear and tear. Keeping up with regular maintenance can delay this process, but some AC units fail earlier than others, depending on how the owner takes care of it over their lifetime.

Here are a few signs that indicate you need to replace your home air conditioner:

  • Not as Efficient as It Used to Be
  • Costly repair bills
  • Frequent service calls
  • Excessive humidity inside your home
  • Uneven temperature distribution
  • Water leakage around air conditioner units
  • Higher utility bills as compared to other homes in your neighbourhood

If you have noticed any of these signs for a year or so, it’s time to replace your AC unit. It will be a wise investment for you and save you money on repair bills in the long run. Just make a quick call to a professional air conditioner replacement service to get a free estimate.

Replace old single-stage AC with new energy-efficient two-stage models that have SEER ratings of 16 or higher. Also, focus more on insulation and sealing since they play significant roles in saving cooling costs too!

How Long Do AC Units Last - Conclusion

An AC system is undoubtedly one of the most valuable appliances in your life. Still, it is best to give regular care and maintenance to ensure trouble-free functioning over its lifetime. A standard AC unit lasts for 10 to 15 years, while a high-efficiency unit may last 20+ years.

However, proper care involving regular maintenance can help you prolong their lifespans by several years. Just follow the tips mentioned above and tricks to keep your home AC unit in great shape for years to come.

Common Furnace Thermostat Problems

Do you ever feel like your thermostat is playing tricks on you? Does it turn the furnace off at strange times or make changes that leaveyou shivering in your living room? You may be dealing with a malfunctioning thermostat. Before panicking and shelling out money for professional repairs, it's worth looking at what issues could be causing the problem. In this blog post, we'll cover some of the most common furnace thermostat problems and provide tips on troubleshooting them. That way, if you don't need to call an HVAC technician, you can take care of the thermostat issue yourself!

Problem 1: Poor Temperature Regulation

Temperature regulation is how your thermostat maintains your home's temperature at a set point. It is done via a heating, cooling, or HVAC system that regulates the temperature according to the programmed thermostat setting. Poor temperature regulation can happen when the furnace or heating system runs more than it should, resulting in energy waste and higher electricity bills. It can also leave you feeling chilly in some rooms and too warm in others. Temperature regulation issues can result from both thermostat-specific and system-wide issues.

Possible causes

  • Thermostat placement: The location of your thermostat can play a significant role in your furnace's temperature regulation, as it can be adversely affected by heat-generating and heat-dissipating sources like fireplaces, direct sunlight, and air vents. For instance, a thermostat placed too close to a sunny window may detect a higher temperature and shut off the furnace prematurely.
  • Clogged filters: Poor air circulation caused by clogged air filters can cause your furnace to overheat, resulting in poor temperature regulation. It can also make the heat distribution inconsistent.
  • Thermostat malfunction: A malfunctioning thermostat can lead to severe temperature regulation issues. A thermostat that cannot detect the indoor temperature correctly may continually run your furnace to maintain your set temperature.


The solution to poor temperature must start with thoroughly diagnosing the cause. Simply adjusting the thermostat settings won't fix the problem. Here are some of the solutions:
  • Thermostat placement: You can avoid the interference of external sources by positioning the thermostat away from sources of cool or hot air. For example, a location that has reliable airflow is ideal for the thermostat.
  • Air filter replacement: Dirty air filters can lead to poor air circulation, make your furnace work harder, and cause temperature irregularities. Regular filter replacement is essential.
  • Thermostat repair or replacement: If you've tried other solutions and still experience poor temperature regulation, your thermostat may need repairs or replacement. Contact an HVAC technician to have it checked out.

Problem 2: Thermostat Display Issues

A blank thermostat display is a common issue that many homeowners face. It occurs when your thermostat display doesn't show information like the current temperature or setting. A blank thermostat display can make adjusting the temperature challenging and lead to higher electricity bills. Several factors can cause a blank thermostat display, and fixing the problem requires identifying the underlying cause.

Potential reasons

  • Dead batteries: If your thermostat uses batteries, a dead battery could be responsible for a blank display.
  • Wiring problems: Wiring problems such as loose, disconnected, or damaged wiring can cause a blank thermostat display.
  • Tripped circuit breaker: A tripped circuit breaker can cause a blank thermostat display or shut off your entire HVAC system, rendering it useless.
  • Internal issue: A faulty component or malfunction on the internal circuit board can cause a blank display.


  • Replace batteries: If your thermostat uses batteries, replace them with fresh ones, and check if the display comes back on.
  • Check the wiring: Ensure all the wires are properly connected and free of corrosion, dirt, or other debris. If there's a fault, reconnect the wires or hire a technician to fix it for you.
  • Check the circuit breaker: If you suspect the circuit breaker, turn it off and then turn it back on to see if the thermostat display comes back on.
  • Hire an HVAC technician: If none of the above solutions works, your thermostat may have an internal issue, such as a faulty component or circuit board. Contact an HVAC technician to diagnose and fix the problem.

Problem 3: Short Cycling

Short cycling is when your furnace turns on and off too often, causing inefficiencies and straining your HVAC system. It can lead to increased energy bills, reduced equipment lifespan, and decreased comfort levels in your home. Short cycling may occur for many reasons, but it should not be ignored, as it can lead to long-term HVAC problems.

Possible reasons

  • Oversized furnace: One of the primary causes of short cycling is a large furnace that heats an area too quickly, causing it to turn on and off frequently.
  • Clogged air filters: Clogged air filters can restrict airflow and cause your furnace to overheat, leading to short cycling.
  • Thermostat location: A thermostat in excessively hot or cold air, like the kitchen or direct sunlight, can cause your furnace to short cycle.
  • Malfunctioning thermostat: A faulty thermostat can detect the wrong temperature setting, resulting in your furnace turning on and off more often than it should.


  • Right furnace size: A furnace that's too small for your house will struggle to heat it, while one that's too large may lead to short cycling. Consult an HVAC expert to know the right size for your home.
  • Regular air filter replacement: Clean air filters allow for proper airflow and reduce the risk of short cycling. A regular air filter replacement schedule can help you avoid the problem.
  • Thermostat placement: Avoid placing thermostats in locations affected by cold or hot air drafts, direct sunlight, or a kitchen area to regulate temperatures.
  • Thermostat repair or replacement: If your thermostat is malfunctioning, get it repaired or replaced by an HVAC professional.


Furnace thermostats can have common issues that result in short cycling, blank display, and inconsistent temperatures. Identifying the underlying cause and taking preventive measures is essential to prevent long-term problems and keep your HVAC system functioning correctly. If you're experiencing any common furnace thermostat problems, contact an HVAC professional for help. They will identify the source of the problem and recommend repair solutions to ensure reliable comfort levels in your home.

Saturday 25 March 2023

How to Size an Air Conditioner?

When people ask “how to size an air conditioner,” it doesn’t involve the physical dimensions of the unit itself. You need to measure the cooling capacity the system is capable of producing as well.

While different-sized units may look identical on the outside, they may have very different capabilities when it comes to cooling your space efficiently. While choosing the most oversized AC you can get is tempting, a bigger one isn’t always the best. So how can you find out the capacity you need? We’ll walk you through it.

Why is it Important to Get the Right Size?

There are several reasons why choosing the right sized AC is so essential. First of all, an AC that’s too small will constantly run to keep it cool. It can be both unpleasant and expensive in the long term. It is uncomfortable because it means you’re living in a house with no relief from the sweltering heat outside. After all, constantly running the unit uses more electricity than usual.

Secondly, if your air conditioner is too big for the room, it may be unable to remove excess humidity from inside. It causes condensation to form on windows or visible areas within the home itself. While this isn’t dangerous in itself, it can lead to severe damage when not dealt with properly.

And finally, you want your air conditioner to provide you with all the benefits that it should. If your unit is already struggling to keep your room cool, it cannot operate at maximum capacity by filtering out pollutants or making the air more breathable.

What Factors Affect the Size of Your Air Conditioner?

There are several factors to take into consideration when trying to determine the right-sized air conditioner for your room, including:

Room size: The larger the room, the bigger your air conditioner needs to be. Consider the length, width, and ceiling height. A space with high ceilings needs more energy to cool.

Temperature: Obviously, how hot it is outside affects how quickly and efficiently your air conditioner will operate. An AC will typically use less energy when there’s either a low or high temperature outside because there’s less work to do.

The number of occupants: The more people in your home, the bigger your air conditioner needs to be. Personal comfort is essential in a home, and having enough space between you and your neighbour can make or break whether an AC feels like it’s giving you breathing room.

The number of windows: In some cases, the number of windows in a room may play a role in determining the cooling capacity required. Rooms with many windows can lose a considerable amount of heat from light shining through them. This factor makes it necessary for the AC unit to compensate by working harder than average to keep up.

Windows affect how much airflow you get through your unit. That’s why you’ll notice that some AC units are made specifically for windows, and others aren’t. The more open space there is around your window, the better.

Insulation: If you have insulation inside your walls, this will also play a role in the amount of energy it takes to cool your home. Rooms with low levels of insulation may require more units or units that are bigger than usual.

The indoor environment: If many people live inside who generate extra heat or rarely move about, this can cause problems too because constantly running during peak times will wear out your unit quickly. So consider where everyone is at different times of day when choosing your AC system size.

How to Find Out the Right Cooling Capacity?


The best way to determine the amount of cooling capacity you need is to plug everything into an energy calculator. It will give you a rough estimate on what size unit you’ll need, but keep in mind that this isn’t gospel. Different brands have different ratings and estimations, so take all of them with a grain of salt.

The most accurate way to know what size system is right for your home is to have a professional come out and do a load calculation to see how much work it will be for the AC to maintain the temperature levels in your home.

As a general rule-of-thumb, you can add together all sources of heat gain, including appliances, people, lights, etc., then add about 25% extra for the work it will take your AC to compensate.

If you don’t want to go through all of that, you can also estimate based on the consumed BTUs (British Thermal Units) per hour of operation. A typical window unit for a small room is around 10,000 BTUs per hour, while central air conditioning units vary between .5 and 5 tons.

A .5 ton system uses about 12,500 BTUs/hr, which would require almost 2 of these units to keep up with an open concept dining/living room space where heat gain from appliances is at high levels during peak periods.

While the average home only needs about 8,000-12,000BTU/hr, having at least three such units would probably be enough to keep your home comfortable. You can never have too much or too little of a good thing when it comes to cooling capacity!

How HVAC Professionals Help Figure Out The Right AC Size?

If you want to keep your house comfortable and not spend more than necessary on your AC unit, then the best thing you can do is hire a professional HVAC technician.

An HVAC tech will assess your home, look at the amount of insulation in the walls and ceiling, see how many windows there are in each room, check for rooms that have been locked up or abandoned, etc., all to get a good idea of how much work each unit needs to perform to make everyone happy.

Technicians can also add or remove return ducts from particular areas when they see problems with airflow from one part of a house to another. It goes back to what we said earlier about insulating your air handler so that the airflow is as even and strong as possible.

When HVAC companies give you an estimate on what size unit you’ll need, don’t immediately dismiss any units more extensive than the ones they suggest. A good technician will say, “this is likely enough” or “this should do for now.” It means that having a unit this big or bigger might be necessary. It’s because there are factors unique to your particular living space that aren’t in the calculations.

How to Size an Air Conditioner - Conclusion

The short answer to the question “how to size an air conditioner?” depends on a lot of factors. If you keep these tips in mind, then sizing your air conditioner should be easy because your unit will have to do much less work to maintain an optimal temperature.

How to Install Return Air Duct in Wall?

When most individuals think about HVAC systems, they think about the air conditioner and furnace. While these machines play a vital part in the HVAC system, they do not circulate the conditioned air throughout your home. Instead, that is done by supply registers or return air ducts. That's why you need to learn how to install return air duct in wall.

Return air ducts are essential in any HVAC system. They allow the conditioned air to return to the furnace or air conditioner so that it can be reheated or cooled and then sent back out into your home.

If you decide to replace or install a return air duct, this article will give you a thorough understanding of what to expect.

Why Install a Return Air Duct?

The main reason you need to install a return air duct in your home is because of the way an HVAC system functions. Conditioned air cannot simply go out into the room and be lost. It has to make its way back to the furnace or air conditioner to be cooled down again before being sent back through the air ducts.

If you do not install a return air duct, the conditioned air will go into another room instead of returning to the furnace or air conditioner. It can cause difficulties with your furnace because it has to work harder to heat the room, which is now colder than before. It will also create discomfort in that room because it has no supply registers bringing new, warm air inside it.

Where Should You Install a Return Air Duct?

The best place to install a return air duct is in the wall. It allows you to connect it to your furnace or air conditioner easily and keeps it out of the way.

If you choose to install the return air duct on the floor, you will have to run a tube or pipe from the duct to the furnace or air conditioner. It cannot be easy and can also take up a lot of space.

If you choose to install the return air duct in the ceiling, you will have to drill a hole in the roof and run a tube or pipe from the duct to the furnace or air conditioner. It can also be complicated and can cause water damage if not done correctly.

How Big Does a Return Air Duct Need to Be?

The size of your return air duct depends on the size of your furnace or air conditioner. A small system may only require a two to three-inch return air duct if you have a small system. Also, a more extensive air conditioner may need up to four or five inches in width for the return air duct.

When choosing the size of your return air duct, measure both vertically and horizontally across the front of your furnace or condenser unit. There are very few exceptions where you will need more than this measurement to find an appropriately sized return air duct.

How to Install The Return Air Duct?


  1. Decide where you want to install the return air duct. If you install it on the wall, you will have to drill a hole in the wall large enough for the duct to fit through.
  2. Cut a hole in the wall that is the same size as the return air duct. The hole should be two to three inches lower than the floor. If you place it on a higher level, you will have to run a tube or pipe from the duct to the furnace or air conditioner.
  3. Run a tube or pipe from the hole in the wall to the furnace or air conditioner. Securely fasten the tube or pipe to the wall and the furnace or air conditioner.
  4. Attach the return air duct to the tube or pipe. The duct should fit snugly onto the tube or pipe. If it does not, you can use metal bands to secure it in place.
  5. Connect the return air duct to the furnace or air conditioner. The duct should be securely attached to the furnace or air conditioner.
  6. Check the return air duct for any leaks or openings that may cause problems. If you notice any, seal them up immediately, so you do not lose conditioned air.
  7. Cover the hole in the wall with drywall and plaster. Make sure you completely seal the hole so no air can escape.
  8. Paint or decorate the wall around the return air duct to match the rest of your home.
  9. Test your return air duct installation by turning on your AC system and noting if it is working appropriately. Check the temperature levels, desired air pressure, and the operation of all filters and moving parts.

Hiring AC Repair Service To Install Air Ducts

There are several benefits of hiring an AC repair service to install air ducts in your home.

  • They will have the experience and knowledge to do the job correctly.
  • They will be able to help you choose the right size and type of return air duct for your home.
  • They will make sure to do the installation correctly and that all air ducts are correctly connected.
  • They will make sure you have no leaks or openings in the return air duct that can cause problems with your AC system.

How to Install Return Air Duct in Wall - Conclusion

Installing a return air duct in the wall can be a difficult task, but it is worth it in the end. Choosing the right size of return air duct is essential, and installing it correctly so you do not lose conditioned air. By following these simple steps, you can have an efficient and functional AC system that will keep your home cool all summer long.

If you are having trouble installing the return air duct on your own, hire AC repair Mississauga service to do it for you. We will be able to do the job quickly and efficiently, and you will have peace of mind knowing that the job was done correctly!

7 Tips for Reducing Your Cooling Costs

By now, most of us have gotten used to the fact that heating bills can be expensive in the winter. But what about those who live and work in warmer climates? Our air conditioning system is a significant source of home and office energy usage during the summer, and paying for it can hurt your wallet.

So if you live and work somewhere where it tends to get hot, what can you do? We've put together a list of options for reducing the energy your AC unit uses. Here are some of the ways to save big bucks on your cooling costs!

1. Install a Smart Thermostat

For those who want their temperature control to be as efficient as possible, installing a smart thermostat is the way to go. This type of thermostat allows you more control over your home or office's temperature level.

Not only do these devices allow you to manually turn off and on your AC system when it isn't needed, but they are also able to monitor the temperature in different places throughout your home. They can then adjust settings based on which rooms are hotter or colder, thus creating more even temperatures throughout the building.

Here are other benefits of using a smart thermostat:

  • Easy to install - Most models allow you to set the temperature and connect the device simply through your Wi-Fi.
  • You can control it from anywhere – Download an app on your phone, tablet, or computer and change the settings at work, school, or even while you're vacationing!
  • They will reduce energy usage – Most models can learn from your behaviour and turn off when they sense no one is home.
  • Significantly lower cooling bills – Over time, a smart thermostat can save you as much as 15% on cooling costs.

2. Increase Your Thermostat Setting a Few Degrees

Can you comfortably raise the temperature on your thermostat by a few degrees? We understand that doing so can be difficult, especially for those who are cost-conscious. However, keep in mind that every degree higher you increase is equivalent to significant savings on your cooling costs.

Many people choose to turn the temperature on their AC down very low (such as 78 degrees) during scorching times of the day. While this saves money, you can save even more by turning it up a few degrees (like 82). An increase of just 4 degrees leads to savings of 10 percent or more on your cooling costs.

3. Add More Insulation

Here is something you might want to try for those who aren't satisfied with their home's insulation. Adding more insulation around the exterior walls of your house can drastically reduce the amount of time it takes for your AC unit to bring in cool air and send out hot air.

It can prevent your home from getting too hot during the day and help keep it colder at night. It is because insulation helps retain cool air inside your home for a more extended period than it would otherwise.

How does home insulation help reduce your cooling cost?

  • It helps prevent your AC from overworking – By not having to work as hard, insulation will extend the life of your home's cooling unit.
  • It keeps out hot air – In turn, this means that heat doesn't have anywhere to go but outside. On a hot day, this can make a huge difference.
  • In the long run, insulation is an investment worth making – You will be able to use your AC more as intended and reap the rewards of lower cooling bills each month as a result.

If you have been considering making changes to reduce your energy costs, adding insulation should be on the list.

4. Use Fans Strategically Throughout Your Home


Using fans strategically ensures that you'll get more use out of them than just sitting in the corner of your room unused. For instance, consider placing a fan near a window that faces the direction where the wind usually blows.

By doing this, you can draw cool air into your home without having to turn on your AC system at all. And using ceiling fans is an excellent way to send hot air out of your house during the summer.

5. Limit the Use of heat-producing Appliances

If you cook a lot, then the chances are that your home will have lighting and ovens on throughout the day. While this may not seem like much, lighting and cooking can make your home feel hot.

So if possible, consider shutting off these appliances when they aren't in use. It is crucial during the hours of the day where the sun shines directly into your windows, as it can cause quite a bit of excess heat to enter your room.

Here are some examples of heat-producing appliances:

  • ovens
  • microwaves
  • grills
  • dishwashers
  • washing machines
  • dryers

6. Conduct Frequent AC Maintenance

Taking good care of your AC system by having it checked for any problems each year can reduce cooling costs in several ways. For one thing, an AC unit that has just had its annual check-up probably uses less power than one that has no maintenance at all.

And if the system does have some issues with it, waiting to address them will cost you more money in the long run. Remember, a check-up today can save you lots of frustration and cash tomorrow!

7. Increase Your Air Conditioning System's Efficiency

When choosing an air conditioning system for your home or office space, be sure to select one with high-efficiency ratings. Most AC units feature energy-efficient technologies such as heating coils and refrigerators, providing better cooling performance while using less energy.

Be sure to choose an AC system that fits appropriately for the layout of your building and for the climate in which you live or work. Oversized units also use more power than they should. A general rule of thumb that most contractors follow is that one ton of cooling capacity per 100 square feet of living space is sufficient.

Reducing Your Cooling Costs - Conclusion

Whether you are looking for ways to keep cool during the summer months or you want to save money on your energy bill throughout the year, there are plenty of simple changes that you can make within your daily routine.

By adding more insulation to your home, investing in more fans, limiting heat-producing appliances, you can see a significant difference in how much you can save on your cooling costs. Also, don't forget to conduct frequent maintenance checks and increase the efficiency of your AC system.

What Is The Average Cost of Duct Cleaning?

Your house has a network of ducts inside your walls leading to and from your air conditioners and heating system. While these ducts are vital to your home's central heating and cooling system, you must properly maintain them. If you don't know the average cost of duct cleaning, this article will guide you.

Duct cleaning is a process that involves the cleaning of the system that delivers air to and from your home. It is necessary for the health and safety of every homeowner who does not clean their vents. You can find many different companies offering professional duct cleaning services, but the average cost for this service can vary depending on a few factors.

When Should You Clean Your Air Ducts?

The National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) recommends that homeowners have their air ducts cleaned every 3-5 years, but this also depends on your home's environment. If you have pets, smoke in your home, or have recently renovated your home, you may need to have your ducts cleaned by professionals more often.

Professional duct cleaners use powerful vacuums and specialized tools to extract as much dirt as possible from the air ducts. The air flows uninterrupted through the vents and back into the room. Without having your air ducts cleaned regularly, you are at risk for a variety of problems, including:

  • Allergens and dust mites that can cause asthma and other respiratory problems
  • Mould and mildew growth
  • Increased energy costs as your heating and cooling system struggle to work properly

How Much Does It Cost To Clean Air Ducts?

The average cost of duct cleaning can range from $300 to $1,000. The price depends on your home's size, the number of vents, and the amount of dirt and debris you need to remove. Some companies may charge by the hour, while others may charge a flat rate.

It is essential to get an accurate estimate from a professional duct cleaning company before scheduling the service. Many companies offer free quotes, and some will even provide a discount if you have multiple vents cleaned simultaneously. The technicians may suggest having your AC repaired if they notice, during the cleaning process, that there is a problem with your equipment.

If your home requires good duct cleaning, it is essential to research and find a reputable company that offers quality services at an affordable price.

What Factors Impacts The Cost of Cleaning Ducts?


Several factors will impact the cost of duct cleaning, including:

The size of your home - The more extensive your home is, the more time it will take to clean the entire ventilation system.

The age of your heating and cooling units - It will be less time-consuming to clean if you have a newer air conditioning unit. However, if you need a new system or furnace, that could impact the cost.

The type of material inside the ducts - If you have a metal or synthetic material within your air duct system, that will require special tools and additional fees over standard fibreglass materials.

The contamination level - If your ducts have a significant amount of contamination, it could lower the efficiency of your airflow. You also run the risk of spreading contaminants throughout your home when you turn on the heating or cooling system.

The number of vents - The more vents in your home, the more time it will take to clean them all.

The type of vacuum used - A professional duct cleaner will use a powerful vacuum that extracts dirt and debris from the system. However, this will impact the cost of your service.

The type of cleaning solution used - Some companies may use pure water to clean your ducts, while others may use a chemical solution.

Additional services, such as sanitizing or deodorizing - Some companies may offer a range of different services that could impact the price.

How Can I Reduce the Need for Duct Cleanings?

Here are a few tips that may help you reduce the amount of dust and debris in your ducts:

Keep your heating and cooling units clean - Schedule routine maintenance of your furnace and air conditioner. Consider replacing it with a new high-efficiency model if you have an older system. Regularly change the air filters on your unit. If you have pets, take them outside before turning on your system to avoid stirring up dirt and dander from the floor.

Postpone renovations - If you plan to renovate your home, try to wait until after completing the renovation before having your ducts cleaned.

Vacuum your furniture and floors often - This will help reduce the amount of dust that collects in your home.

Vacuum regularly using a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner - Dust particles will remain suspended in the air until they settle somewhere else. A professional vacuuming can help capture small particles before they spread throughout your home. It's best to use these appliances to clean according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Have your carpets and drapes cleaned regularly - Dust mites love to live in dirty fabric, so regular cleaning can help reduce their numbers.

Why Hire A Professional Duct Cleaning Service?

Duct cleaning is a big job and can be very dangerous if not done correctly. Professionals have the experience and equipment to clean your ducts quickly and safely without disrupting your home's airflow.

They will also be able to identify any potential problems with your air duct system and provide solutions to help improve the quality of air in your home.

If you consider having your ducts cleaned, it is vital to research the different companies in your area and compare prices. By taking the time to do your homework, you can be sure that you are getting the best possible service at a fair price.

Average Cost of Duct Cleaning - Conclusion

The average cost of duct cleaning is $300 to $1,000. The price can vary depending on several factors, such as the size and layout of your home, the number of air vents, and the type of solution used during the cleaning process.

Hiring a professional air duct cleaning service is the best way to ensure that your ducts are clean and safe. By following the tips above, you can help reduce the amount of dust and debris in your home, which may help lessen the need for future cleanings.